's my birthday today. Eventually we have to do something about it right. So..last night me and a bunch of friends decided to celebrate my birthday in GLO considering that Edison's birthday there was a success.
I went there a little late, met up with a friend at a club earlier for some booze and chat. Everybody was there already...drinking the beers at the table then. As usual, every Wednesday GLO will have the Dancing Diva competition for the ladies there. There will be around 6 -7 girls up there dancing one by one to the song they choose and then decide the winner to the crowd cheers and the price is quite good, RM 555 and some vouchers too. Last night was a little special, each of us gets a ticket to the Rave party happening in Fort Conwallis this coming 22nd.
When the competition came to place. My VERY good friend pointed at me and the DJ pulled me up. I was tense a little i should say....but just a little as this is the 2nd time for me. The 1st was being Edison's birthday, I was set up by Pang then.
I was not prepared whatsoever, don't know which song to dance to. Randomly the DJ choose the girls one by one to dance. After 4 has done finishing their dance, then it was my turn. The DJ went we have Melisa...and guys...its her birthday today...the crowd went wild. I have no idea how the DJ got to know its my birthday also. Then when asked to choose my song...i was still blur. So i said to the DJ...cincai la...whatever song you play i'll just dance to it. Then came Don't Cha by the PCD, then i start to do my thing.
Out of the 10 contestants, 3 was choosen to be finalist. The first was a couple of ladies then the one who can really shake her ass and then me. We then have to dance to another song all together. They have jugs of plain water ready for us to wet ourselves so we look more sexy. I have 2 jugs poured on me and then Jiam came and gave me a bucket of ice water....OOoooOOoo that was cold...The crowd went wild when the couple start kissing each other. Who won't love to see 2 girls kissing each other... i know i do.
So...finally when all was over, the DJ pull one by one and ask the crowd to cheer according to their liking. First came the kissing couple....the crowd went wild... Then the booty Last but not It turned out to be a tie between me and the couple. We each got RM250.00, a Baptain Hair Saloon voucher, a tank top, and a Rave Party ticket. All worth getting wet for. As for the booty girl, she was given the same except for the cash, she got RM50.00.
The night was wet and wild, all thanks to my friends. It was one of the best birthdays i've ever celebrated. Thanks again to all of you who showed up and also those who supported me in the competition. You guys are the ones who gave me the RM250.00 birthday gift. Arigato.....
ARGH....yet another lame conversation. Can't you find some better things to say..????!!!!
Guys...let me know what you think of this wei....
Today Italy won the match...being a fan of the famous and handsome Italian footballer Totti, his picture was on my display. Then........
~ Cheryl Qi ~ says: mrs totti ~ Cheryl Qi ~ says: ur husband win liao ~ Cheryl Qi ~ says: ha ha ha says: i know says: wkakaka ~ Cheryl Qi ~ says: lu de song le ~ Cheryl Qi ~ says: husband win liao ~ Cheryl Qi ~ says: u can earn more de ~ Cheryl Qi ~ says: hahah says: wkakakakakaka says: ya man ~ Cheryl Qi ~ says: he heheh ~ Cheryl Qi ~ says: good i like tht ~ Cheryl Qi ~ says: ha ha ha
How....? Can you tell me how do I reply to continue this conversation? Cos I have no idea whatsoever. It has been 2 hours already prior to this entry. Still i'm not able to give her a reply.
Argh...damn it....i'll just leave it as it is....forget it.
I think its time for you to stop. I know you know who you are. Do not try to act stupid or act cute. You are not Paris Hilton nor Nichole Richie. These people act stupid and earn cash, in millions. You...the more you act stupid the more you drive people away from you. Cause it's just getting so annoying as days goes by.
Its best to be yourself. Do not do things or act just to impress another. A true friend will accept you for who you are. We know that you are trying to get attention sometimes. Acting stupid and trying hard to be cute. We are all still here with you, is because we are your true friends. We hope that you will change to be a better person.
Today i had one of the most stupid conversation i've ever had on MSN. A conversation with no substance and not funny.
As usual i went out for lunch, collect some documents and then back to the office at around 3pm. Cheryl then msg me.......
Cheryl: Back liao mer.... Melisa: Hannor...just came back nia.
Then i changed my status to Busy as i was getting busy anyway.
Cheryl: Busy liao mer..... Melisa: like fuck...damn busy. Cheryl: Yaloh...somemore the weather is so hot outside. Melisa: Yalah....cibai loh. Cheryl: Cibai liao mer.....i like that....
See.......everything she says there's 'liao mer.....'. Damn......that's anoying wei.....