Some where back in 2005, the year when my dad got very sick. Me and my younger brother, Win Sern decided to adopt a puppy from SPCA. This is so to keep my dad company when he returns home from the hospital. We learned this from Discovery channel, saying that having a pet at home is good for patients suffering from depression.
Soon after, Win Sern took a trip over to SPCA to check out the puppies there. He took pictures of them, came home and show me. Being a good sister, i tell him....'You choose, i'll pay.' Oh ya...we have to pay RM100.00 as a donation to SPCA. They will give the first injection for free and also a sort of like medical card for the owners to keep tract of their pet's health conditions.
One fine day when my dad is still in the hospital, I went with Win Sern to SPCA to pick up the puppy he had in mind. The volunteers brought him out and i went cute..... So while Win Sern was in the office filling in some documents, they fed the puppy and get him ready for us to take him home.

Isn't he cute......
We brought him home in my SLK (small little kancil) and he was so quiet, not even a sound. I was so scared he will vomit in my cool SLK so i drove extremely slow home. I can still remember it was that period of time where American Idol season 4 was going on. We struggle to get a right name for the new puppy. Our previous dog was named Coco after a chinese singer Coco Lee. Then soon after, with his brilliant mind my bro came up with Nikko. The black singer on American Idol season 4 called Nikko Smith. He was so good, but got eliminated soon after he got in the top 12.
Me and my brother went to a few pet shops that day. We bought a lot of stuff to make the new puppy feels at home. We try our best the next week or so to get Nikko get used to the 'home' environment so that when my dad comes back, he will be welcomed by a cute puppy.
Eventually the cute puppy grew in size and attitude. Nikko will bite everything he can get in his mouth. He will chew whatever that thing is into pieces. Be it a bone, a shoe or even a broom. Nikko has this weird drinking habit, he likes to dip half of his face into the water when he's drinking. After that he will then either walk over the water, wetting all his four legs or he'll splash the water with both his front legs.

Nikko, all grown up.
Nikko is now a year plus and I think his drinking and biting habits are here to stay. Nowadays there are a few to accompany this 2 habits of his. Whenever we close the doors, he will jump up and pull the door lever to open the door and he's getting more and more clever at this. Most recently he likes to play with his own dung. Damn dirty man.

Nikko now.
(By the way...the figure behind Nikko is Win Sern)
It all started for a reason...for my dad. Sad to say...they never meet each other. Now that the puppy has all grown up, he has become a part of our family now. Someone who will always be there to greet us when we come home. Always there when we open the door.
Most of all, a companion who will never complain.

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