I recently got to know this fella through the ever famous Stuart Little (see entry STUART lil OR lil STUART). A funny guy who will make a scene anywhere, anytime together with his team mate PANG. The both are simply a fun pair to be with.
By the way, the name Edison Tan sound very much like the famous singer/actor Edison Chan. Apparently they are both as equally famous. This fella knows a lot of people and quite a shopper too. I remember there was once, when we were planning for a camping trip. I accompanied him to buy a new bag. We walked into the shop, and walla....after 5 mins...new bag. Without even asking how much it costs or check to see the bag is all intact, he asked the auntie to wrap it up, paid then leave. After that we went to Giant, he opened up the bag to store some stuff. He realised...ohhhhh so many compartment....ok mer....beh pnai....Damn..he's lucky it turns out good, what if its the other way around.

The funny faces of Edison.....hahahaha
Some say Edison looks a bit like that fella from Sesame Street, Ernie. Well i think they both are equally funny as one can be. And the same hairstyle too.

Yes ....? No..... ?
Well, to all you ladies out there, Edison is VERY much available. A funny guy who will make anyone's day bright just by....erm....acting silly. He's quite good looking too..i would say...cute.

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