It's time again for ah girl to get her shots. Went to fetch her on Friday to get the injection done at the nearby Block A Klinik Ibu dan Anak. Brought along Ellie just in case ah girl merajuk after the shot, at least someone is there to help me drive while i try to calm her down.
Reached the clinic and as usual ah girl has to be weighed. I first tried to lay her down on top of the weighing machine but she refuses and kept sitting up. The nurse then says it's ok to just let her sit on the machine. When i let go of my hands holding her she starts bouncing and laughing on the machine making the needle of the weighing machine go crazy. Then i have to hold her down a while and take a quick look at her weight. She's 9.7 kgs now, no wonder my hands hurt after every playtime. Then came the time to measure her height she kept walking here and there. I tried to hold her still for the nurse to measure with the measuring tape but ah girl just pull the tape away from the nurse thinking it's a toy. Kids kids....everything are toys to them. The nurse eventually gave up and went to prepare the needle instead.
When i brought ah girl into the room, she looked around the room then looked at me with a little fear in her eyes. The room looks familiar to her, she's been here a few times before. I was thinking to myself. This is gonna be loud. Unlike the previous times she is more clever now in terms of getting people's attention. I thought this time she's gonna cry non stop till god knows when. I hold her down and pressed her legs down for the nurse to jab her. When the needle enters her flesh she let out a loud scream....then stop. Just one time. Just one cry...then back to laughing. I was girl is tough wei. Just like mummy....tough chick.
Reached the clinic and as usual ah girl has to be weighed. I first tried to lay her down on top of the weighing machine but she refuses and kept sitting up. The nurse then says it's ok to just let her sit on the machine. When i let go of my hands holding her she starts bouncing and laughing on the machine making the needle of the weighing machine go crazy. Then i have to hold her down a while and take a quick look at her weight. She's 9.7 kgs now, no wonder my hands hurt after every playtime. Then came the time to measure her height she kept walking here and there. I tried to hold her still for the nurse to measure with the measuring tape but ah girl just pull the tape away from the nurse thinking it's a toy. Kids kids....everything are toys to them. The nurse eventually gave up and went to prepare the needle instead.
When i brought ah girl into the room, she looked around the room then looked at me with a little fear in her eyes. The room looks familiar to her, she's been here a few times before. I was thinking to myself. This is gonna be loud. Unlike the previous times she is more clever now in terms of getting people's attention. I thought this time she's gonna cry non stop till god knows when. I hold her down and pressed her legs down for the nurse to jab her. When the needle enters her flesh she let out a loud scream....then stop. Just one time. Just one cry...then back to laughing. I was girl is tough wei. Just like mummy....tough chick.

see....after jab still so happy....
GO GIRL!!~~!!
yeah!!! to my goddaughter! knew she would be a tough chick like her mummy.. glad to see her grow bigger n bigger n naughtier n naughtier!!! cant wait to see you both... lots of luv to ah girl!!!
ahgirl as how her mummy call her is getting cuter day by she got jabbed but only cried once way cool like her mummy
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