Same old crazy people/monkey. We missed Jimmy this time, which was bad for Yeow The Fisherman. We thought we would have Suki to join us this time but thanks to her 'auntie' which came to visit and has not left. Glad to say we have proper tent this trip. We have one big tent equipt with proper door and windows too.

Nice dandy tent all set up and soooo...nice to sleep in.
We then went to this so called water fall for a dip in the cold cold water. Lots of pictures were taken there too. Lots of funny acts from the boys. We would just have to wait for the photographers to come with the pictures. PANG....WHERE ARE ALL THE PICTURES?
Even with 3 tents we ended up sleeping in the porch at night due to the heavy rain. Lucky us there were not many campers that day. Else the porch will be full of wet and dirty campers.

Also very proud and thanks to my partner Kern for making this as the best food ever for campers. We have hard boiled egg, sausages and sanwiches. Not to mention, our maggie mee this time.....MMMMMMM..BEST LA.
Need i say more....the tummy shows you how full he is.

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